Increase Energy Efficiency at Home With Solar Shades
Home improvement projects are a great way to turn your home into an energy-efficient one. There are many ways to achieve this status and homeowners everywhere are either changing out their windows, updating their roofing systems, or even exploring new siding options for their properties. If you’re still unprepared for drastic changes, however, you can start smaller by installing solar screens, shades and coverings. These seemingly simple additions can, in fact, have a huge impact in overall energy consumption at home.

Large windows are great for creating a more open and bright atmosphere; however, you need to update them to ensure that they don’t end up contributing to higher heating and cooling requirements at home. You can help regulate indoor temperatures by utilizing window shades and screens that assist in keeping heat out when needed.
Lessen Dependence on Artificial Lighting
Using artificial lighting throughout the day makes for much higher energy bills than you should be having. Consider utilizing natural light instead. If you’re worried about glare and UV exposure, have retractable screens installed so you can control the amount of light that comes into your home.
Update Existing Spaces Instead of Expanding
If you’ve dreamed about entertaining friends and families and hosting parties but fear that you don’t have the space to do so, don’t spring for new construction costs just yet. Existing patios can be transformed into usable, enjoyable spaces for you and your guests. You can transform such a space by installing screens that are visually appealing as they are beneficial in protecting you from heat and direct sunlight.
Don’t waste more time thinking about how exterior solar shades or awnings can help you become more energy-efficient at home. As a 35-year old family-owned business, making homes better with great products has always been our priority. Our team at Armor Guard Exteriors can provide you with expert insight on what options will work best for you. Call us today at (904) 872-1712 or contact us here.
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